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HERITAGE HISTORY CASTLES INFORMATIION LINKS Casltles and Monuments Cierny Balog Forest Railway

History of Čiernohronská railway began in 1908 when the first stretch of track from the Hronec to Čierny Blh (now Čierny Balog) was built with traditional narrow track gauge 760 mm. The first steam train began regular operation on 8th of January 1909 on the 10.4 km long stretch. Other sub-circuits leading to the majority of the valleys of the River Čierny Hron were built gradually, with the assistance of prisoners from World War I. The total length was 131.98 kilometers and reached the climb up to the Dobročský rain forest under massive of Klenovský Vepor.



Country skupina Vodopád


Plakát 2014

GPS coordinates of stations ČHŽ

    Latitude    Altitude

 Chvatimech    48°48'16.04"S    19°33'30.84"V

 Hronec    48°47'56.15"S    19°34'43.36"V

 Čierny Balog    48°44'46.20"S    19°39'26.78"V

 Vydrovo-Skanzen    48°44'1.50"S    19°38'38.35"V

!!!Warning: road class III. Hronec - Čierny Balog is closed due to bad technical condition.!!!

Short film about ČHŽ


History of Čiernohronská railway began in 1908 when the first stretch of track from the Hronec to Čierny Blh (now Čierny Balog) was built with traditional narrow track gauge 760 mm. The first steam train began regular operation on 8th of January 1909 on the 10.4 km long stretch. Other sub-circuits leading to the majority of the valleys of the River Čierny Hron were built gradually, with the assistance of prisoners from World War I. The total length was 131.98 kilometers and reached the climb up to the Dobročský rain forest under massive of Klenovský Vepor